What is a "New Pending Registration"?

If you utilize FREE Advanced Registrations on your website events, when a new registration is submitted, the administrator(s) will receive an email that says "New Pending Registration."

This is a notification email to let you know that a new registration has been submitted. Subsequently, the registrant will also receive an email, " Registration Pending: [Event - Example Event Title]". This states that the registration needs to be confirmed by the administrator. Once confirmed, the registrant will receive an email with the subject, " Registration Confirmed : [Event - Example Event Title]." 

How do you feel about this setting? 

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Remove Pending Registration

We can remove it! By deactivating this setting for you, both the administrator(s) and the registrant will receive a confirmation email immediately. This will reduce administrator maintenance as well as confusion on behalf of registrants. Just submit a support ticket and we'd be happy to change this for you.

Keep Pending Registration

The administrator  MUST confirm ALL FREE registrations. If your event has a paid registration option (has a cost), depending on your setup, it will either be confirmed automatically, or the transaction will need to be manually processed. Please click here for more details.

For instructions on how to confirm free registrations, see: Managing Advanced Registrations.

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