Add a YouTube Video (WYSIWYG Editor)

This article contains instructions to embed a YouTube Video in the WYSIWYG editor only. If you use the CK editor, please use this article

How can I tell?

Step 1: Customize Settings & Copy Embed Code

  1. Click on Share beneath the video.
  2. Choose the Embed button.
  3. If desired, change your Video Size by adjusting the width and height numbers located between the quotation marks. This can always be adjusted at a later point.
  4. At the very end of the video's URL, right before the closing quotation mark, enter: ?rel=0. This removes related videos from displaying after your video finishes.
  5. (Above) Highlighted is the video's URL.

    (Above) Highlighted is ?rel=0. This should go after the URL and before the quotation mark.

    Click for larger image

  6. Select Copy in the lower right of the popup.

Step 2: Insert Embed Code Into Webpage

  1. In your content editor, place your cursor where you would like the video to appear.
  2. Click the Source tab in the bottom left of your editor, then hold the CTRL button on your keyboard, then hit the V key once (CMD + V on a Mac). This will paste the code.
  3. Select the Design tab to return back to the editor.

Click for larger image

Adjusting Dimensions (if necessary)

  1. Select the Source tab in the lower left corner.
  2. Locate the video's source code. (It will begin with "<iframe".)
  3. Find the Width and Height dimensions within the code. (ex. width="420" height="315".)
  4. Change the numbers between the quotation marks.
  5. Click the Source option once more to return to your editor.

Click for larger image

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