Add a YouTube Video (CK Editor)

To embed a YouTube Video:

Step 1: Customize Settings & Copy Embed Code

  1. Click on the Share button beneath the video.
  2. Choose the Embed option.
  3. If desired, change your Video Size by adjusting the width and height numbers located between the parentheses.This can always be adjusted at a later point.
  4. Select Copy in the lower right of the popup..

Step 2: Insert Embed Code Into Web Page

  1. In your content editor, place your cursor where you would like the video to appear.
  2. Type your name in all caps. This will help you find where to insert the embed code.
  3. Toggle the Source button in the upper left of your editor and locate your name.

  4. Highlight the entire line your name is on (see screenshot above), then hold the CTRL + V on your keyboard (CMD + V on Mac). This will paste the code.
  5. Toggle the Source button to return back to the editor.

Step 3: Adjusting Dimensions (Optional)

  1. In the editor, double-click the box outline that says "IFRAME".

Display at 100% Width

This will take up the full amount of space on your screen, whether on a desktop or mobile device. The video will adjust its width accordingly to fit that screen. This is recommended for use in certain modules, pages with a smaller available width area, and areas in which the video will be placed within a responsive column/table.

  1. Enter "100%" in the Width field
  2. Adjust Height if desired.
  3. Hit OK.
Click for full-size image

Display at Alternative Width

This will allow you to enter in exact dimensions of how large you want it to display. This will not be fully responsive, but it bodes well in most situations. 

  1. Enter the exact dimensions you would like.
  2. Hit OK.
Click for full-sized image

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