Upload Images & Documents (CK Editor)

Uploading images or documents can be achieved through the content editor, or from the media library.

Step 1: Choose How You Will Access Your Library

No immediate need to use the files? Just uploading to get them in? Choose Option 1.

Already in the editor and need to use the files right away? Choose Option 2.

Option 1 -  Media Manager

  • Upload Images - Access:Content>Media Manager>Images>Image Files
  • Upload Documents - Access: Content>Media Manager>Documents

Option 2 - Content Editor

  1. Within the editor, select the 'Image' icon from the toolbar (you can switch to the documents folder afterwards, if necessary). 
  2. Click the Browse Server button.
  3. By default, you will be brought to your Images folder. If need be, select the Library drop-down to switch to Documents.

Step 2: Choose Files & Upload

  1. Find the folder you wish to upload into and select it. (Additional folders can be created by selecting the New Folder button.)
  2. Click Upload.

How Do You Want to Add Files?

Drag & Drop | Open in Popup (Add Files button)

Drag & Drop

  1. Open the folder which contains the files on your computer. Reduce the window size so you can see both the folder window and your editor window.
  2. Highlight, or hold down the CTRL key (for PC) or CMD key (for Mac) on your keyboard, then click to select multiple files at once.
  3. Put your mouse directly above any highlighted file>click and hold>drag to the window and release.
  4. Choose Begin Upload.
  5. Once all files are listed at 100 percent, hit Close.

(Click Image for Larger View)

Open in Popup

  1. Click the Add Files button.
  2. Highlight, or hold down the CTRL key (for PC) or CMD key (for Mac) on your keyboard and click to select multiple files.
  3. Choose Begin Upload.
  4. Once all files are listed at 100 percent, hit Close.

(Click Image for Larger View)

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