Add New Catalog Category
Access: E-Commerce>Product Manager>Categories.
Information Tab
- Select the Add New Product Category button.
- Enter a Category Name.
- *(Optional) Select a Menu Override Link.
- Click the 'Page Picker' icon.
- From the Show Link Grouping drop-down, choose Content: Pages.
Locate the desired page and select the ' Link Insert' icon.
The menu override link is an optional feature which directs the visitor to a content page of your choice. This, as opposed to the category page of products. Often, this 'landing page', will serve the purpose of providing call to actions. Keep in mind, your category's respective products will not display if you use this feature.
The menu override feature is only available on CMS versions released after August 2014. If you do not have this feature available to you, please submit a request to receive an upgrade.
Description Tab
The description tab can be safely ignored. This only displays in custom formats.
Parent Tab
If you choose to have sub-categories, you can select a 'Parent' (just like within the menu manager). This is the category your new category will show up beneath.
- To assign a parent, click the blue text.
- If you choose not to assign a parent, do not make any adjustments.
Search Engines (SEO) Tab
- *Provide a URL for your category.
- The URL should be short, but relevant. It is recommended to name the URL the same, or similar to the category name, along with a reference to the catalog. Also, be sure to separate words with hyphens (ex. Category Name: Shirts --> Category URL: catalog/shirts).
CMS versions released before August 2014 will have automatically generated URLs (ex. / catalog/cat-100045/shirts). If you choose to remove this feature, please submit a request to receive an upgrade.
- The Title, Keywords and Description are all available to customize, just as they are within your content pages. At the very least, each category's Title should be changed from the default. For more information, see: Search Engine Optimization Details (SEO).