Images Not Displaying (WYSIWYG Editor)

If an image is no longer displaying, it is because the filepath is no longer valid. The filepath is the location of a file within your website. It is the exact same concept as a file's location stored on your computer.

The example below displays the respective filepaths for the same image; one on your computer and the other on your website:

Computer Image: C:/Users/Steve/Pictures/buttons/events-button.jpg
Website Image:    /content/images/buttons/events-button.jpg

If the image is deleted, moved or renamed, the filepath changes. Without updating the image's location within your content, it will no longer display. It will then only be identified in the content by an image outline.

Here are the causes of and resolutions to invalid filepaths:

1. Image Was Deleted

Cause: The original image was deleted. 

Resolution: Re-upload the image into your image manager, then insert it back into your content.

  • Double-click the image outline in your content (or highlight, then choose the 'Image' icon) to enter its properties.
  • Select the Images option in the left panel.
  • Upload the image.
  • Double-click the image to insert.
  • Save & Close when completed.

2. Image Was Moved

Cause: The image was moved from one folder (location) to another. 

Resolution: Return the image to it's original location.

  • Double-click the image outline in your content (or highlight, then choose the 'Image' icon) to enter its properties.
  • Select the Images option in the left panel.
  • Locate the image, then click it once to highlight it.
  • Select the 'Move' icon from the toolbar.
  • In the subsequent window, select the original folder.
  • Click OK.
  • Close out of all pop-up windows including the page editor; the update has already been made.

What if I don't know the original location?

  • Double-click the image outline in your content (or highlight, then choose the 'Image' icon) to enter its properties.
  • The filepath will be located in the URL field below. Everything between a set of  "/  /"  is a folder name. 

"/content/images/" automatically accompanies the beginning of any filepath. If there is NO folder name after "/content/images/", then the location is in the main folder (select the Images tab in the left panel). Note that when you follow the instructions above.

3. Image was Renamed

Cause: The image's filename was changed.

Resolution: Change the filename back to what it was originally.

  • Double-click the image outline in your content (or highlight, then choose the 'Image' icon) to enter its properties.
  • Select the Images option in the left panel.
  • Locate the image, then right-click>Rename Selected.
  • Edit the name, then select OK.
  • Hit the Cancel button, then close out of all pop-up windows including the page editor; the update has already been made.

What if I don't know the original filename?

  • Double-click the image outline in your content (or highlight, then choose the 'Image' icon) to enter its properties.
  • The filepath will be located in the URL field below. The filename directly follows the last "/" and ends before the "." in the file extension. Note that when you follow the instructions above.

If you notice "%20" in between characters, it simply indicates a space. For example:

Filename as displayed in URL field: /events%20button.jpg

Actual Filename: events button

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