Visibility Tab

The visibility tab is a feature that enables you to determine which page(s) you would like your module to appear, or not appear on.

Access: Content>Module Manager>Module Manager>click the 'Edit' icon next to the respective module>Visibility tab.

INCLUDE on the Majority of Pages

Select pages you DON'T want it to display on:

  1. Set the drop-down in the top of the tab to Visible.
  2. Click Exclude Page.
  3. Enter the page name and click Filter.
  4. Select the 'Assign' icon next to the page name. This will insert the page into the exclusion list.
  5. Content pages (anything in your page manager) will have the prefix, "Content :" prior to the page name.

  6. Repeat steps 2-4 for each additional page.
  7. Save & Close the module.

EXCLUDE on the Majority of Pages

Select pages you DO want it to display on:

  1. Set the drop-down in the top of the tab to Hidden.
  2. Click Include Page.
  3. Enter the page name and click Filter.
  4. Select the 'Assign' icon next to the page name. This will insert the page into the inclusion list.
  5. Content pages (anything in your page manager) will have the prefix, "Content :" prior to the page name.

  6. Repeat steps 2-4 for each additional page.
  7. Save & Close the module.

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